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Alsatian polycultural micro-farm

We are “neo-farmers” and proud to provide colossal quality work to help us all rediscover “farmer common sense”.Our objective is clear and precise: to combine Culture and Agriculture. Nourish the body and mind in a healthy and joyful way. We want to show that it is possible to:
-grow good food, thoughtfully, focused, and better, in less space.
-Develop and sustain our action, share and transmit our experience to others, working towards a return forward. 

Our CONVICTION: give NATURE and HUMAN their place. 

Every year we offer:
-a sale of non-hybrid Biodynamic replants
-a direct sale of biodynamic raw vegetables,

on the markets and by joining weekly baskets
-our production of natural wine.
-a temporary restaurant in the summer in the gardens

                          With conviction, joy and tenderness
                                               Gabriel AND LéA Willem 

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When the opportunity to rent this communal land presented itself to Gabriel Willem, in Herrlisheim-Près-Colmar in the village of his childhood, he did not really know where it would take him. The only thing he wanted was to make his contribution to the building of the future, by allowing a land worn to the core to rest a little.

“I drew my primary inspiration from Jean-Martin Fortier’s book, The Market Gardener. Still on the theme of balance, his speech directly touched me because he is directly committed to saving the planet. It is also supported by financial and administrative references, which are more “down to earth”

Gabriel Willem

Video project with CFBBerlin:

Our team !

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Since 2020, we have been welcoming young volunteers, via the Franco-German Ecological Volunteering (VEFA), and we are really happy to have discovered this system which suits us perfectly. Because this allows us to transmit and show our entire project over the four seasons and the different rhythms of a year to young people!

Thanks to Caroline Elpelt (2020-21),

who stayed with us until 2023 as an apprentice!

Hanna honïcke and Elena Miegel (2021-22),

Almitra Melde and Rosa Balzer (2022-23),

Léonie Dencks and Laura Grimm (2023-24).

MEETING with Caroline Elpelt during her vEFA year in 2020-2021:

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© 2016 par Les Jardins En-Chantants

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